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bigcoolblue develops applications using Java, a technology created by Sun Microsystems and now owned by Oracle

bigcoolblue applications are usually delivered in the form of jar (Java Archive) files - files with the .jar suffix. It is very likely that the computer you are using will already be able to run jar files - and that they will open and run simply by double clicking on them. If that does not appear to be the case, you may need to download Java. The home of all things Java is

If, after you are sure you have Java installed correctly, and jar files still don't run for you, it may be that you need to set a parameter on your computer. Have a look at this page on the Oracle site, which may be of some use.

Because bigcoolblue applications are written in Java, and have a very simple relationship with your computer, they should run happily on any machine with a Java Standard Edition version 6 (or above) JRE (Java runtime environment) installed.